

WS 1: Design Thinking Workshop

1.      What is Design Thinking?

2.      Preparing Your Mind for Innovation.

3.      Idea Generation.

4.      Experimentation.


WS 2: Business Model Canvas


Insight: A Business model can be described in nine elements, enabling explicit dialog about choices, alternatives, & opportunities.


1.      Customer Segments

2.      Value Propositions

3.      Customer Relationships

4.      Channels

5.      Revenue Streams

6.      Key Activities

7.      Key Resources

8.      Key Partners

9.      Cost Structures


Workshop 3: Business Strategy Mapping for Startups


1.      What is business strategy?

2.      Importance of Creating a Business Strategy Map

3.      Strategies are all about meeting objectives

4.      An abundance of strategies: Confusion!

5.      The strategic framework

5.      Understand strategies in terms of the framework

§  Specific business objectives for each strategy.

§  Interrelationships between the various strategies.


General Guidelines:

Each workshop is conducted by an expert in the business area offering participants a new perspective on the topic. The workshops are limited to a maximum of 80 seats in order to ensure a personalised learning atmosphere. The workshop will be conducted in an exercise based format with a lot of individual and group activities. Participants will get a chance to share perspectives from their own business/work area and the application of these ideas to their own area.


Whom Is this For

The workshop is ideal for the budding entrepreneurs whom would like to get exposed to new perspectives and new ways of looking at / doing things.

Key Takeaways

Participants will get the following takeaways from the workshop:

  •  Solid and in-depth exposure to new/emerging business concepts
  •  Possible application of these new ideas into their business / area of activity
  •  Introduction to the expert for possible direct engagements in the future

Preparation & Things to Bring

  • No preparation is required prior to the workshop. A general catch-up on the area of the workshop does good.
  • Bring your own laptop and/or tablet.
  • Stationary will be provided at the workshop.
  • Internet connection during the workshop will be available (through the conference internet infrastructure)


All registrations are on spot.