
"Unconference" is an entrepreneurial summit designed to take you on a journey where you understand the bits and pieces of developing an enterprise. It is aimed at imbibing the spirit of entrepreneurship and creating future change-makers and leaders. Unconference, themed around a case study based approach will include a series of workshops , focused talks on relevant topics and a Startup Walk. The objective is to set a framework for you to take up any problem and solve with the correct entrepreneurial approach.

With startups growing out of each and every corner of the country, students are not far behind in the scene. A lot of students enter this space to solve a problem but due to the lack of experience and fierce competition out there, millions of ideas or so to say potential multi-national companies get lost. Unconference will guide you to approach some of the most pressing problems in today's world correctly.

Students who are driven to create impact and bring about change in society are strongly encouraged to register for this insightful conference. This event is ideal for people looking to hone their problem solving and entrepreneurial skills.

Why should you attend ?

  • -> Interact, network and learn from leaders and changemakers from across the country.
  • -> Experience first hand what goes on behind the scenes in a startup through a ' Startup Walk'.
  • -> Get Mentored by seasoned entrepreneurs and experts.
  • -> Develop a good network of like minded people from different colleges and backgrounds.
Apply Here

For any queries or clarifications, mail us at events_ecell@smail.iitm.ac.in.